611 S. Carlin Springs Road, Suite 411 Arlington, VA 22204
Welcome! My name is Dr. Alan Terlinsky and I treat patients from Washington, DC and surrounding areas, helping them to lose weight safely and effectively with my Nu-Living HCG Diet. As an HCG doctor with extensive experience in the area of weight loss, I can help you loose anywhere from 15-40 pounds during an intensive period of treatment. For many patients the average weight loss is 1/2 pound or more per day during the HCG injection phase of the program using a 500-600 caloric diet. This vigorous weight loss can last from 3 to 6 weeks depending on a individual circumstances, health status and target body weight goals. Ultimately, weight loss achieved with the HCG diet depends on a patient’s starting point, calories consumed, exercise performed and degree of compliance with the diet protocols. It is not unusual for some patients to lose 10-12 lbs in the first week! This is accomplished under my strict medical supervision.
Great results, particularly long term, also are achieved with Nu-Living’s modified HCG diet consisting of a VLCD with high protein in the range of 800-1000 calories per day which can produce a robust 3-5 pounds or more of weight loss per week during the HCG injection phase of the program. This less arduous VLCD in the 800-1000 calorie daily range results in weekly weigh loss of 1-3 pounds and is the most popular choice of our HCG injection patients. I will present a spectrum of VLCD diet choices for you to use with HCG injections during the first office visit.
The Nu-Living HCG Diet also incorporates a metabolism boosting detoxification component and an easy to follow choice of meals. One size does not fit all when it comes to the meals for the Nu-Living HCG Diet. Choices include meals from program provided, detailed recipes for “all food” plans of breakfast, lunch and dinner with snacks, or hybrid program plans using a combination of some food meals with meal replacements in the form of shakes, bars and other medical foods. There is also an exchange list program for those people who want to take basic food components and make their own meals. For the person on the go, I have also created a nutritious VLCD based around popular TV dinner type meals. The Nu-Living HCG Diet can provide meal protocols for patients using HCG injections combined with an all meal replacement liquid modified protein sparing VLCD.