611 S. Carlin Springs Road, Suite 411 Arlington, VA 22204
The thyroid gland, located in the neck, is a major player in regulating a man’s metabolism. By using iodine, the thyroid gland produces a hormone called thyroid hormone, which acts at many sites in the body to modulate rate of metabolism, growth, and rate of function of many systems in the body. Thyroid hormone comes in two flavors: T3 and T4. T3 is much more active than T4, but T4 levels are usually about ten times higher than levels of T3. Although T4 levels are higher, tissues that respond to thyroid hormone normally convert the T4 to the more active T3. Many factors can cause low or high levels of thyroid hormone in men, and as a result several potentially severe problems and symptoms can occur. Dr. Terlinsky can help you with whatever hormone imbalance you have with his Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy program.
Typical symptoms associated with low thyroid hormone, or hypothyroidism, include:
You might experience any of the following symptoms if you have too much thyroid hormone, or hyperthyroidism:
Dr. Terlinsky begins by evaluating your current thyroid hormone levels and can then provide you with a fully-customized treatment plan through his Bioidentical Hormone Replacement program. Based on your personal hormonal imbalances and needs, your individualized treatment will alleviate symptoms of abnormal thyroid hormone levels and get you feeling like your old self again. Contact Dr. Terlinsky today and let him easily correct your thyroid hormone imbalances.